Born into a Military family, Dion would go on to join the New Zealand Army and deploy to Bosnia, returning as a Military Veteran. He would then join the New Zealand Police Force before evolving into a Close Protection Operative working in the Middle East.


This journey gave Dion the insights and lessons to now provide solutions for the Military and Frontline communities of the world, solutions for PTSD, Suicide, Transition and Value and all those issues that only those in uniform face.


If your people wear a uniform, Dion is the speaker for you!


Featuring in the Air New Zealand in-flight magazine alongside the 2019 New Zealander of the Year and the All Blacks Manager, Dion was recently hired as a subject matter expert to deliver a speech for The Corporate Health and Wellness Summit organized by Thinktank Media.


As the former Regional Manager for Asia Pacific (APAC,) Dion has led and managed teams where it counts; in the marketplace. At the end of the day, your people still have to deliver and inspiration without motivation and strategy, isn't enough.


If you want a speaker that can not only inspire, but can motivate your people to perform, then engagement, productivity and revenue, goes up.


Mental Health, Leadership, Management and Strategy are his fortes and as a clinically endorsed author who has featured on National Radio in New Zealand and Asia, he has the credibility to prove it.


If any of these are important for your organization, then Dion is the speaker for you!



Audience Connection

Professional and Prepared

From the plane, to the hotel, to the event, Dion is renowned for representing your brand, your company and your people with courtesy and respect.


He arrives early, liaises with the events team, AV team and videographer, with a thumb-drive in hand containing everything that the team needs to run a smooth event.


Dion honors the audience, the AV team and 'The army of ants.' Those workers, waiters and waitresses that work behind the scenes.


Dion makes everyone feel like a VIP!

Good morning Dion,


It was simply incredible to hear you speak at the Health & Wellbeing Summit yesterday. I was encapsulated by your introduction, delivery and level of honesty as well as insight into a very relevant and unaddressed matter in the corporate world.


I particularly loved your “super power” explanation and was quietly amused with how your presentation silenced the entire room – not many people have the ability to silence an audience, but you did. I loved it. 


Thank you so much for the work that you do, the impact that you make/continue to make, and I wish you nothing but success and support now and in the future. 

Morven Lynch | Health, Safety & Wellness Business Partner (Wellness Lead)

Dion’s talk at the Health & Wellbeing summit was profound in its simplicity. 

He told us many individual stories of people, with real life struggles, any one of whom could have been, or might still be, a member of our own business. 

He talked about how bullies worked.

He challenged us to reflect on how our own behaviour as leaders, however well meaning, could be perceived as being the bully in the room. 

His talk finished with me wanting to learn more about what he had learnt, and he has generously provided me with both of his books.

Dion’s talk provided rich food for thought, and for that reason, was hugely appreciated.

Sheena Naughton

Head of Human Resources

“Dion Jensen exhibits his mana (his presence, credibility and power) as a man and a speaker.

His speaking style is engaging and relates directly to the audience, presenting challenging and difficult topics in his own style of simplicity. His VIP model of mental health resonated with me – in terms of how our Values, Identity and Purpose helps define what gives us positive mental health, and how, when these personal factors are challenged by people or environments, they form the roots of mental ill health, including anger and fear.” Kia Maia - Persevere 

Dr David Beaumont

Occupational Psychologist

“Dion Jensen provided a very captivating presentation! 

I appreciated his direct approach in discussing the ‘elephants’ in the room and making us think about how we can create a VIP culture, acknowledge and develop strength in kindness, and having the courage to call things and/or people out when required. 

A refreshing message of empowerment, confidence and courage! 

Thank you very much!” 

Dina Kahaialii

Project Manager


Dion was called upon to open the worlds first Idea's and Inspiration event at the 1 billion-dollar Lifelong Learning Institute building in Singapore


Dion's is one of the most adaptable speakers in the world.

With a unique and diverse background, Dion can deliver any of his signature speeches, or craft one specifically for your event.

When considering booking Dion to speak to your people, please understand that his content has come from live experiences, not theory.

When he speaks about Leadership, it is because he has actually led; when he speaks about solutions, its is because he has overcome the problems.

Your audience will connect with Dion immediately because they will feel how much he cares and more so if they are from the following demographics:


Global - Corporate - Military


During the COVID 19 lockdowns of 2020, Dion stood up and lead the way in #Crisisleadership. Requested to speak virtually around the world, Dion made Phase One of Crisis Leadership available for free, to help individuals and organizations SURVIVE!


Click on the button below to get free access to Crisis Leadership Phase One - SURVIVAL



Making the complex SIMPLE!

Providing psychosocial solutions for the workplace and the world, The VIP of Mental Health will assist with increasing engagement, productivity and impact in the workplace and increase self-esteem and confidence in the mirror!

With a 15 page workbook added in the back of the book, you will IMMEDIATELY be able to implement the content for YOUR benefit!

Fill out your details below and we'll send you the free eBook!

The Good News About PTSD

You're not alone, you're not crazy and you can beat this!

What is happening is absolutely natural and the worse your signs and symptoms, the harder your Subconscious Bodyguards are trying to WIN!


As a master of ceremonies and event host at a recent Singapore conference with over 120 academics and working professionals, Dion was the lead off speaker out of five speakers. I can state from my front row advantage that he hit the mark with his message 'Make Peace with the Mirror' to our SE Asian / Expat audience.

He did a great job of inspiring them and stayed right on track with his TEDx style presentation. I can highly recommend him to any organisation to empower their employees or business connections to live more fulfilling lives after listening to him speak with authority, compassion, humour and brevity.

Rob Salisbury, CSP

Conference Speaker | Event Promoter | Event Host | MC

Dion's YouTube Channel


© Copyright Dion Jensen 2018. All Rights Reserved.